Study Notes, 2015-12-01
Tuesday December 1, 2015
Impressions: A book doesn’t have to be great, just a bit inspiring, and even then only in parts.
Also, I’d like to move up my memory list to the 2-digit words, review them. Find that—Lorayne?
- From The Care & Feeding of Ideas, ch 1.
- There are books listed in the back (for the first chapter) that cover the creative process of several individuals. I think it’d be fun to read some of these.
- It is much easier to be creative when you are motivated. Intrinsic motivation makes it easier to be creative than extrinsic. Shakespeare basically said, “study what you want to do” because this implies intrinsic motivation and eventual creativity.
- I wonder how I can find a niche within what I do that is most intrinsic and thus opens doors to more creativity and motivation. Lately there is something about IT and sysadmin stuff that speaks to me, that’s for sure. But it’s not just that. There’s something more. System administration. Scripting. Etc.
- The Mind Map Book, page 136
- “Why would it be fun to…?” This mind map looks really fun and I would like to try it.
- Nardi, 8 Keys to Self-leadership
- p. 146, Fi exercises.
- Let go of a belief that’s holding you back. Yesterday I felt I was missing something by holding such high expectations of myself. I could enjoy my family as-is! I’m helping them make memories.
- p. 146, Fi exercises.
- Type Talk, p. 227
- INTJs learn by arguing
- which can be seen as obnoxious by others.
- INTJs learn by arguing
- The World According to Mister Rogers, p. 129
- This is a really neat experience—going up to the mountains to listen to music, read, pray, listen, and sleep. What would my equivalent be? How would I accomplish it? It sounds wonderful.
- How to Win Customers and Keep Them For Life, p. 122
- The principle of lagniappe. Giving people the number of scoops of sugar they asked for, then adding a little more, smiling, and saying, “lagniappe” (lan-yap).
- I can do this. And it sounds amazing to me. Do a little more for my clients. Communicate that I did it. And that it was free.
- The principle of lagniappe. Giving people the number of scoops of sugar they asked for, then adding a little more, smiling, and saying, “lagniappe” (lan-yap).
- Berens, Understanding Yourself and Others
- BLM: Be Like Me—we sometimes get upset or frustrated that others don’t behave like us.
- BLT: Be Like Them—we sometimes get upset or frustrated with ourselves that we are not enough like others.
- This one is heavily reinforced through e.g. advertising.
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