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Framework not working? It happens!

Wednesday September 23, 2020

As my more frequent readers probably know, I am always working on new frameworks.

If I know I’m going to be doing something again in the future, or working more on a given topic in the future, chances are I’m starting a file on that thing, getting organized, and keeping track of my progress.

Here are some of my own recently-updated frameworks:

  • CAD and CAD Software Learning Framework
  • USB Disks & Micro SD Card Notes
  • Bluetooth Headphones Notes (You start these when your devices come with trash instructions)
  • Lazarus & Free Pascal Notes, for Object Pascal
  • Crypto Trading Log (More like a framework with a log)
  • Movies & TV Notes
  • Fiction Writing Framework
  • Weekend Framework

Regarding frameworks, sometimes I hear this from INTJs:

I don’t know. It’s like, I have this cool framework which helped a lot in the past, but things have just stopped working so well, even though I still have the framework. And I wonder if I’ve really made any progress at all.

This is usually an “I’m a beginner when it comes to creating my own frameworks” signal. WAIT, HOLD ON, HANG IN THERE is my first sentiment—a strong one, probably because I made some big mistakes here myself in the past.

Capture the Dip

You know how there’s this “buy the dip” concept in investing and trading? There’s a similar idea in framework-maintenance. I think I’d call it capture the dip. Every actively-deployed framework will encounter a slump from time to time. The old stuff no longer works as well as it used to.

The truth is, you may be right on the cusp of a powerful learning experience. You have to keep updating your frameworks, and this is especially true when a framework is not working as well anymore, or seems to have lost leverage.

I’m not talking about overwhelming yourself with details. Sometimes you get frustrated and need to back out for a day or a week or a month. That’s fine. Take a break and come back later. But what you have here is typically a very strong learning opportunity.

One of the best things you can write in your log is: “This isn’t working as well as it used to. I wonder why?”

But if you sell the dip, or in other words give up on the framework, you can only expect your motivation and energy levels to go down. You are draining your emotional capital. Don’t drop out on a dip unless you have strong, organized reasons as to why and when you are doing so. (Even as a trader, I don’t sell a security on a dip unless it meets specific, measured criteria)

In most other cases it’s best to regroup, strategize, and execute. Especially if you’re a beginner at this.

Grab the A2i Loop or your favorite iteration and leverage tool and start your detective process:

  • What seems to be off?
  • What could be causing that?
  • Any ideas you could test?
  • How did the testing go?
  • What can you add to your framework?

You got this—don’t give up. If you can perceive, you can reflect. If you can reflect, you can learn. If you can learn, you can grow. If you can grow, you can change. If you can change, you can build new success on top of stalls, failures, and regrets. You probably have no idea how awesome your life is about to be.

Filed in: Productivity /119/ | Therapeutic Practice /144/ | Control /110/ | Interests /111/ | Energy /120/

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